
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wanna Go To A Bon Jovi Concert? Why Not?

I've just read something at Real Rock News that strikes me as quite peculiar.  Apparantly Bon Jovi is still touring!  And if that isn't enough, they're selling tickets! AND... people seem to care!  I must have accidentally gotten into my Delorean the other day while setting out for work and while passing a car, traveled back to 1987.  If I wasn't blogging right now, I'd swear that's what happened.  I mean, JBJ still looks the same and everything, shy of a new 'do.

In my opinion, I would consider "Keep the Faith" to be the last tolerable album by Bon Jovi.  I grew up listening to Slippery When Wet (GREAT album, if it needs to be said), and while I don't own any others except their "Cross Road: Greatest Hits" album, I have heard enough to know that the majority of stuff after 1992 is pure pop shit (It seems grunge is to hair metal as antibiotics are to bacteria - it can end up killing good stuff and allowing bad stuff to take the good stuff's place).  Sure, their '80s metal was very pop-driven, but for some reason it seemed more real - more about the music and lifestyle and less about the money.  Now I'm not a Bon Jovi expert, or a biographer, but I think most people with any sort of musical appreciation would agree.

I cannot believe that Bon Jovi has sold out five shows at London's O2 arena, which can hold up to 23,000 people, and is slated to add nine more shows!  I cannot believe that they are still able to sell out any concerts, let alone five at a large arena.

And if that's not enough, now people are complaining about ticket prices.  I guess I would, too, if somebody were trying to charge me more than $5 to see them, but that's just me.  No, aparantly they're charging $73 for general admission and $325 for the most expensive seats.  Sure, there's no doubt that this is highway robbery to see Bon Jovi, but it sounds like people are willing to pay anyways (which is just insane).

So I suppose, I would have to agree that what's being charged is ludacris!  But correct me if I'm wrong - aren't actual successful bands charging a LOT more for their tickets?  Hell, I think Britney Spears has a higher ticket ceiling.  I would verify this for you, but I have no ambition to Google ticket prices for a Britney Spears show.  It's bad enough I've typed her name twice already.

So... Bon Jovi's touring.  Bon Jovi's selling out concerts.  Bon Jovi's selling out potentially fourteen consecutive shows at the same arena.  Bon Jovi's actually able to sell tickets for a minimum of $73.  If this isn't Bizzaro World, I'm not sure what's going on.  Although, there was that one thing... "Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Think, McFly. Think!"

Real Rock News

Classic Rock Magazine News News